Curry Leaves Chutney Recipe

Curry Leaves Chutney is very good to eat and very good in taste. It is very sour and spicy dish and different from other chutneys.It can have it with any type of Indian Bread/Roti.


1 cup curry leaves
1 tbsp til(sesame seeds)
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp green chili paste
salt to taste


1. Roast the curry leaves and til on a medium heat in pan till it get crispy and keep aside.
2. Grind curry leaves and til in mixture grinder.
3. Add green chili paste, salt, lemon juice and mixure of curry leaves and til.
4. Mix this chutney with oil or ghee or curd and mix it well.
5. Serve it with any type of rotis or rice.
